December 5, 2008

Blogging for the first time

Hey guys, 

this is Adrian, age mid 20's. Probably a lot of you have read and written a lot of blogs already and this will be first history making my first post.  I'm quite serious in this stuff but I might be throwing a lot of topics and ideas since I have yet to find nice topics and learning being here. Thanks in advance for the first who could find and greet me here. :p

First time I heard about blogging about three or four years ago but just learned that has been up since 1999! Wow, that's a long time ago, its about year 1998 since I first experienced being online.  Being online for the first time felt weird and exciting, its like in another world, bigger than TV and radio.  Connection to that world felt temporary and cold since everytime I disconnect the dial-up connection and turn off the pc, I'm back to reality.

That probably what I feel now with blogging, feels weird speaking my mind into a blog which no one seems to read yet excited that someone in another continent might.  :D  For now, it feels disconnected....... probably not that long. 


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